How can we help?

Become more confident while speaking in a foreign language

Self-confidence in speaking a foreign language greatly affects your professional options and success. 

In more difficult and unpredicted situations, insecure employees tend to communicate much less than the situation requires. 

This translates into missed business opportunities, dissapointed customers and strained relationships.

Learn how you can accurately assess your and your employees's confidence. Learn practical steps by which everyone can speak more confidently in a foreign language.

Click here for more information

Improve your German

Get rid of your chronic mistakes and speak as flexibly as a native speaker.

with a native speaker

Free Resources

Subscribe to our weekly podcast on language learning. Check out of our other resources.

podcasts, videos


Gerhard is easily accessible via phone, e-mail or social media.

Choose the channel that is best for you.

E-mail: [email protected]



Cellphone: +37368026059 (works also for WhatsApp, Viber and Telegram)

Get the first two chapters for free

by subscribing to Gerhard's weekly newsletter, with advice and resources on selling in foreign languages. Just click here.


Gerhard is easily accessible via phone, e-mail or social media.

Choose the channel that is best for you.

E-mail: [email protected]



Cellphone: +37368026059 (works also for WhatsApp, Viber and Telegram)